Work Logs
Day 1
I have been working on moving away from polarion docstrings and introducing metadata docstrings to our framework. There have been A LOT of changes coming every now and then. I hate it when I am almost done with something, but then a change requires a major refactor and the thought of doing it all again is frustrating! Maybe it doesn’t need a big refactor, but I have been a little blank lately. I do not know what it is! My big problem is I try to replicate things even if it might not be required, my gut says it’s going to be a simple, no big thing, but I almost always end up wasting a lot of time on useless things and I don’t know how to fix this problem! Anyway my plan to tackle this is
- First of all, I need to process the docstrings within iqe-core, so fixture file stays as it is, but remove the part about converting metadata to polarion docstrings and the check about polarion docstrings part.
- metadata/ file can stay where it is. metadata/ can be removed and use metadata_docstrings instead.
- Get a list of all validations required —
i) all required fields are present.
ii) no extra field is present.
iii) if requirements and requirements_override are present, an error should be raised.
iv) validate requirements and it’s requirements conf file. - add these validations to metadata_docstrings/DocstringChecker
- Remove the validations or any sort of error raising in get_testcase_data process.
- metadata_docstrings is simply a package that validates docstrings. It is to be used as additional_dependencies in flake8 pre-commit hook.
- Only use metadata in item._testcase_data. Remove polarion
- Add metadata->polarion conversion while uploading data to polarion.
- Change positive->negative.
- Look into using an un-numbered list for setup, test_steps, and expected_results.
I am going to work tomorrow to achieve the first 5 points!