The Saga of Public Commitment continues… #100daysofContainers
Recently I did a #100daysofGo Challenge on Twitter to develop my Go skills. It worked and I decided to continue this process by taking another #100daysofContainers challenge. Since I didn’t want to spam people in my Twitter circle any more than I had to, or maybe that’s just my belief but I decided to take the challenge here and continue logging my everyday progress here along with anything I learn about Go.
Raised an issue with odo. After avoiding it for days, I finally learned and understood services in K8s, at least I think I did, and a bit about manual scheduling.
Played a bit with odo, it got interesting as I learned more about it, came up with some bugs. Took an interest in Clowder, an openshift/k8s operator to create ephemeral environments for development and testing that we are going to use in Insights.
Day 27/#100daysofContainers
Played a bit with client-go, accessing pods, replicationcontrollers, etc.
Fell sick, felt lazy, found so many reasons to not do this! But I started it again yesterday, Learnt about services, imperative-declarative commands. Practiced a few tests related to both. K8s is interesting, but I am yet to find my calling, I don’t know if I’ll ever find one, but will see.
Day 13/#100daysofContainers
Practiced a few tests related to namespaces.
Day 12/#100daysofContainers
Learnt about namespaces and practiced a few tests related to deployments. K8s, or at least the core concepts that I have learned until now, seem kinda easy, but thinking about managing all the clusters, establishing communication between different clusters, communicating to master node, all these seem difficult though.
Day 11/#100daysofContainers
Learned about ReplicaSet, Replication Controller and practiced. Finally got to advent of code! Skipped day 3, the problem seems a little difficult to get to right now. Also learned a bit about Deployments and how amazing Katacoda is! It has got so many (free) courses!!
Day 10/#100daysofContainers
Debugged running kubectl on my local machine. Gave some practice tests on k8s.
Day 9/#100daysofContainers
Learned a little more in detail about all the basic components of a k8s architecture(ah, this word has always intimidated me :/ ). Learnt about pod config via yaml.
Day 7,8/#100daysofContainers
I kinda forgot to do those :/
Day 6/#100daysofContainers
Learnt about kube-serverapi, kube-controller-manager and kube-scheduler.
Day 5/#100daysofContainers
Uhh I need to take this more seriously! I haven’t made any significant progress so far and haven’t even practiced Go! This is bad :/ I kinda learned about how happens when you run a certain command with kubectl. But meh :/
Learnt about etcd today. Spent quite some time configuring my vim for Go.
Day 3/#100daysofContainers
Learned about Kubernetes architecture today. Every time I learn something, I feel like I understand it, but then I pick it up again a few days later and I’m like I never really understood this, it’s weird, it’s hard to explain. I am yet to find a good learning method that works for me. Next up is etcd, I’m excited to learn it! :D I had plans of catching up on my AOC challenge, hopefully will do it tomorrow!
Day 2/#100daysofContainers
Learnt about systemd, though I have already used to it a couple of times, for some reason I never looked into what it really was. Also learnt about journald and got started with Fundamentals of K8s course. I need a plan!
Day 1/#100daysofContainers
I started off with Julia Evan’s blog which referenced another article on kubelet. Need to take this more seriously though!
Day 0/#100daysofContainers
Finished Day2 challenge of AdventOfCode. I am keeping a track of it here -
Also, attended a workshop on Go Concurrency in real-world, turns out there are a lot of things I haven’t tried yet!
Reference — jarifibrahim/workshop