Doctor Or Engineer?

Parthvi Vala
2 min readDec 16, 2016


I live in a society where people are concerned with only 2 career options — Doctor or Engineer! Most parents want their children to be either Doctor or Engineer, most of the times doctor( engineers are underrated, or in other words, doctors are overrated! But more on that some other day.) Why just Doctor and Engineer ? Why not motivate your child to be something else? On the second thought, every child needs some push, some guide, agreed. I am here writing this blog(my first blog, to be precise), my grandpa is sitting opposite me, i don’t know what he’s thinking, my parents and my aunt and uncle are in the next room discussing careers(!), and kids are upstairs, playing or learning, eh i don’t know what they’re doing, whatever.

Every time my parents start discussing my brother’s future, they’re like, he’s gonna be a doctor, and I’m like, let him decide what he wants to do, and they’re like, but he does need some guidance, he’s still a child. So on the second thought, he does need some guidance( you see, I am persuadable that way.) But my question is Why? Why are people so adamant about making their child a doctor or engineer? So every time, people say ‘doctor or engineer?’, I am like, ‘People! There is a wide range of scope apart from doctors and engineers!’ Why can’t they be, um I don’t know, um anything but that!

I know parents want best for their kid, they want them settled, and see them doing well in their life, but why not set them free and let them do what comes their way, or what they feel like doing, guide them where and when needed.

I believe that every person will find something to do, something that they like. The Good Thing will come to them one day. They will eventually find That One Thing which makes them happy. They might face challenges, many worries, many problems, rejections, and god knows what all, but… but they will eventually find it, and it will become a lot more possible if the person is set free. Free from all worries of what people will think of him or her, Free from all the judgement, and Free from any guilt whatsoever for not standing up to the expectation. A person can perform his best when he thinks of himself isolated from all the expectations and judgement, only then can he be himself.

In conclusion, help your child by not putting any expectation on him of becoming a doctor or an engineer or any particular job for that fact. Free them from any expectation as such. My parents are good enough to not force their expectation on me, so I’m lucky that way (touch wood(but still they did expected me to become a doctor, but i became an engineer :P )).

Every person has their own perspective, and right to stand by that, and this was my perspective.



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