Day 3/100daysofK8s

Parthvi Vala
1 min readApr 10, 2021


DNS server helps manage name resolutions in an environment with many hostnames and IPs. DNS server is is a dedicated server to do just that mapping. CoreDNS is one of the tool that acts as a server/forwarder.

It’s simple to install. Get the binary, untar it, and run it.

Get the binary
wget it
tar -xzvf coredns_1.8.3_linux_amd64.tgz
Run it

This starts the server. By default, it uses port 53, but if that one is in use, we can specify another port to use by passing -dns.port flag. It also uses a config file called Corefile by default, but a custom config file can be passed by -conf flag.

To test it, run — dig @ -p 8080 .

Data should appear where the server is running —

./coredns -dns.port 8080
linux/amd64, go1.16, 4293992
[INFO] - 35319 "A IN udp 56 false 4096" NOERROR qr,aa,rd 103 0.000097293s



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